The "High SALT" light flashes 


1. Check that the cell corresponds to the model of the electrolyser by comparing the references (serial number) on the cell, the device as well as on the internal program if this is not the case Match the cell with the program on the device "mode" then "cell type"

2. The temperature sensor inside the cell is faulty (greater than 2°C between pool water and display) * 

3. The actual salinity is between 4500-6400PPM Add water, if necessary empty the basin a little to lower the salt content in the basin.

4. The airframe plates are short-circuited as they are not attached to their housing. *

5. Power board is defective*


*In cases 2 /4 and 5 make a service file.

Last update : 10/30/2023 11:01:43 AM